Nowoczesne USG - Gazeta Chojnowska w ramach portalu


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Nowoczesne USG

(szerokość: 190 / wysokość: 142)Przychodnia Rejonowa zakupiła nowy sprzęt ultrasonograficzny. Poprzednie urządzenie wyeksploatowane wieloletnią pracą zastąpiła maszyna najnowszej generacji. Badanie tym USG jest dokładniejsze – przekazuje lepszy obraz, aparat ma więcej możliwości technicznych. Wykorzystywany jest głównie do badań ginekologicznych
i ortopedycznych, ale nie tylko.

- Ultrasonografia staje się standardową metodą diagnostyczną - wyjaśnia dr Ewa Doniewicz-Rudziak. - Badania są nieinwazyjne, bezpieczne i mają szerokie zastosowanie w diagnostyce wielu chorób. To USG daje nam np. możliwość badania przezciemiączkowego u niemowląt.

Nowy nabytek sfinansowała przychodnia przy wsparciu urzędu miejskiego. Korzystać z niego może każdy posiadający skierowanie.


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X2JHYIlu2013-09-10 18:58:39AlxDsodxpdI
I vow to make today a productive day *looking at piles that are sidrounrung me*Oh this chick came up to me at church yesterday and told me she had been harboring hate in her heart towards me because she overheard me saying that her sister was ugly and that I hoped her orange dress wasn't like mine. She kept saying that I grew up around them and how she has known me all my life so that's why she came to me. First of all I would NEVER say anything like that. Not in my adult life anyway. Secondly, yes I did grow up around them and I did point out to her that if she knew me like she keeps claiming, she knows that's not even in my nature to say anything like that. I WANTED to remind her of when we were little and MOST everyone looked down on their family because there were issues there (I'll leave it at that) but I was one of very few who hung out with them. I'd chill at their house (on the porch because the smell and bugs were battling on the inside). I'd invite them to mine. I was real close to her niece until her ho tendencies became a little too much for me. I just don't get it. I told her I wasn't apologizing for what she thought she heard and that I wish she would have came to me when it happened where I could defend or explain it. I don't even recall mentioning my dress.Do you like this comment?: 0 1letmein

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